Board Meeting

Board Meeting #15
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
6:00 p.m.
McCauley Chambers
Centre for Education


Disposition of items from the September 11, 2007 Board Meeting.

  1. Roll Call

  2. O Canada - District DVD

  3. Communications from the Board Chairman

  4. Communications from the Superintendent of Schools

  5. Minutes:

    1. Board Meeting #14 - June 12, 2007

  6. Focus on Student Achievement:

    1. Update on English Language Learner Hubs

  7. Reports:

    1. Delegation - Edmonton Youth Council: Presentation on Homelessness

    2. Delegation of Authority - Superintendent of Schools - 2007 Summer Recess

    3. Report #17 of the Conference Committee (From the Meetings Held June 12, 2007 and September 4, 2007)

    4. Motion re Advocacy for Early Education Program Students

    5. Board Evaluation

    6. ASBA Special General Meeting September 14, 2007 -Bylaw Amendments

    7. Review - Revised Board Policy JJA.BP - Electioneering

    8. Process and Timeline of the 2006-2007 Results Review

    9. Funds for 2008-2009 Professional Improvement Program

    10. Approval of Capital Support for Modernization Projects

    11. Joint Use Agreement: Facilities

    12. Proposed Annual Implementation Plan 2007-08

    13. Bereavements

  8. Committee and Board Representative Reports
    • Community Relations Activities

  9. Comments from the Public and Staff Group Representatives

  10. Trustee and Board Requests for Information

  11. Notices of Motion

  12. Meeting Dates

  13. Adjournment

    Next Board Meeting:
    Tuesday, October 30, 2007 (Organizational Board) at 7:30 p.m.
    For further information, contact Manon Fraser @ 429-8021.