Board Meeting

Board Meeting #2
Tuesday, November 13, 2001
McCauley Chambers
Centre for Education
6:00 p.m.


Click here to find out the disposition of the items from the November 13, 2001 board meeting.

  1. O Canada - L'Academie Vimy Ridge Academy

  2. Roll Call

  3. Communications from the Board Chairman

  4. Communications from the Superintendent of Schools

  5. Minutes:

    1. Board Meeting #14 - September 11, 2001

    2. Board Meeting - September 14, 2001

    3. Organizational Board Meeting - October 23, 2001

  6. Remembrance Day Ceremony:

    1. L'Academie Vimy Ridge Academy Remembrance Ceremony

  7. Focus on Student Achievement:

    1. Montrose School's Instructional Focus

  8. Reports:

    1. Board Representative for Negotiations with Teaching Staff

    2. Report #1 of the Conference Committee (From the Meetings Held October 30 and November 6, 2001)

    3. Expansion of District Recognition Awards

    4. Tenders - Terrace Heights School Modernization Phase II 2000

    5. Victoria School Re-development

    6. Policy Postions for the 2001 ASBA Fall General Meeting

    7. Trustee Subcommittee Review of 2000-2001 School and Central Department Results

    8. Alberta Learning Diploma Examination Results and Participation Rates 2000-2001

    9. Alberta Learning Achievement Test Results: June 2001

    10. Alexander Rutherford Scholarships

    11. Fourth Quarterly Report: June 1, 2001 to August 31, 2001

    12. Responses to Trustee Requests for Information

    13. Bereavements

  9. Committee and Board Representative Reports
    • Community Relations Activities

  10. Comments from the Public and Staff Group Representatives

  11. Trustee and Board Requests for Information

  12. Notices of Motion

  13. Meeting Dates

  14. Adjournment

    Next Board Meeting:
    Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 6:00 p.m.
    For further information, contact Manon Fraser @ 429-8021.