Board Meeting

Board Meeting #11
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
6:00 p.m.
McCauley Chambers
Centre for Education
One Kingsway


Disposition of the items from the February 23, 2010 board meeting.

  • Minutes of the February 23, 2010 board meeting.

    1. O Canada

    2. Roll Call

    3. Communications from the Board Chair

    4. Communications from the Superintendent of Schools

    5. Minutes:

      1. Board Meeting #10 - February 9, 2010

    6. Improving Student Achievement

      1. Improving Student Achievement by Supporting Successful Transitions from High School

    7. Comments from the Public and Staff Group Representatives

    8. Reports

      1. Report #2 from the Audit Committee (From the Meeting Held February 16, 2010)

      2. Report #8 from the Conference Committee (From the Meeting Held February 16, 2010)

      3. Motion re Long-Term Space Rationalization

      4. Removal of Coronation School and Grovenor Schools from Continuation Review

      5. Annual Implementation Plan: 2010-2011

      6. Reviewed Board Policies Recommended for Affirmation, Minor Wording Changes or Rescission

      7. Presentation from Staff Group Representatives re 2010-2011 Budget:
        - Edmonton Public Teachers (NO ENCLOSURE) (7:30 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.)

      8. Responses to Board Requests for Information

      9. Committee, Board Representative and Trustee Reports (NO ENCLOSURE)

    9. Trustee and Board Requests for Information

    10. Notices of Motion

    11. Meeting Dates

    12. Adjournment

    Next Board Meeting:
    Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 6:00 p.m.
    McCauley Chambers, Centre for Education, One Kingsway

    For further information, contact the Board Office @ 780-429-8021.