Tuesday, May 10, 2011
On Thursday, May 12, from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m., the Edmonton Public Schools Foundation is welcoming over 275 community members for breakfast at McNally School, 8440 - 105 Avenue, to raise money for full-day Kindergarten programming in Edmonton's most vulnerable neighbourhoods. The Ready for Life Breakfast is the Foundation's second annual fundraising event.
"We recognize it takes an entire community to help students blossom," says Director Sandra Woitas. "Nourishing little bean sprouts - particularly those with diverse challenges and who are at risk academically - encourages them to dream big and reach for success in the future."
Students from McNally, Montrose and Tipaskan Schools will make the fundraiser memorable by sharing their talents. Guests will enjoy breakfast assembled by students enrolled in McNally's culinary program and can expect jazz music, student stories, an elementary school choir performance and an inspirational video. Two McNally students are also emceeing the event.
In 2010, the RBC Foundation became Edmonton Public Schools Foundation's first corporate donor when it gifted $50,000 to help get kids off to the right start.
At last year's Ready for Life Breakfast, the Foundation realized $175,000 in contributions. Of these funds, the Board of Trustees decided to use $125,000 for a full-day Kindergarten program at Tipaskan School. Now, 25 Tipaskan students are benefiting from quality teaching and learning assistance.
Ongoing research conducted by the University of Alberta shows the benefits of early learning programs. Giving children a positive start to learning helps improve reading, writing and math skills and provides them with a chance to explore, discover and grow.
To learn more visit http://foundation.epsb.ca/
For more information:
Sandra Woitas, Director
Edmonton Public Schools Foundation