Media Releases

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What: Queen Elizabeth School hosts over 10,000 students…online!
Thousands of students representing 12 different countries from around the globe will be connected with the orangutans of Borneo via a live web event hosted by Queen Elizabeth School.

Dr. Willie Smits, a world leading environmental biologist, will introduce students to the DeforestACTION learning project and provide the opportunity for them to connect with real orangutans.

DeforestACTION is a global collaborative project established by school students to halt the destruction of important rainforests, create a permanent home for orangutans and save the planet.

DeforestACTION is a collaboration of the Microsoft Partners in Learning programme, TakingItGlobal and Orangutan Outreach. The aim is to provide youth with access to global opportunities and become engaged by working together on projects that halt or limit deforestation. For more information on the initiative visit:

When: Thursday, March 3 at 8 a.m.
Where: Queen Elizabeth School, 9425 - 132 Avenue

For further information, contact:
Terry Godwaldt
Queen Elizabeth High School