Wednesday, February 9, 2011
At last night's public meeting, the Edmonton Public Schools Board of Trustees reiterated their desire to address bullying in schools and education and support for the needs of LGBTQ youth.
The Board received two reports: one identifying best provincial and national policies and practices in LGBTQ, and a second that examined the issue of bullying. "The Board's focus on these two important issues speaks to our commitment to ensure that equity is a defining principle within Edmonton Public," stated Board Chair, Dave Colburn. "Ensuring equitable learning opportunities and fairness and justice for all of our students, is critical to giving our students the best chance for success in life."
Colburn expects that the Board will be examining these reports in the weeks to come in order to determine next steps in responding to these issues.
Colburn also spoke to what he heard from students this week when the Board consulted in person with over 70 students about what their views are about the Board's priorities for the next three years."We heard loud and clear from students that feeling safe goes well beyond teaching. It's about how staff and students talk, act, and respect differences."
Trustee Sarah Hoffman introduced a motion to establish an advisory committee to provide the administration recommendations on bullying issues. This motion will be debated at the next public Board meeting which will be held on February 22, 2011.
The Board also agreed to a meaningful partnership with the very successful Literacy and Learning Day parent conference, making a financial contribution to the event, scheduled for April, 2011 and committing to offering distribution and communications support.
All formal reports presented at last evening's board meeting are available under the Board of Trustees section of In addition, an archived video copy of the board meeting webcast is available at
Further information, contact:
Cheryl Oxford, Managing Director, Communications