Tuesday, November 22, 2010
As part of Edmonton Public Schools' support for adoption month, Edmonton and Area Child and Family Services will be in the atrium of the Centre for Education (1 Kingsway) on Tuesday, November 23, 2010 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., with their Child's Hope display and information table. A current foster/adoptive mother will be on hand and available to speak with media regarding her experiences.
A Child's Hope is an initiative that is raising awareness of the need for foster and adoptive homes in Edmonton and surrounding communities. With thousands of Edmonton Public Schools' students currently in the care of Edmonton and Area Child and Family Services, Edmonton Public Schools is supporting A Child's Hope's efforts to ensure these students have safe and loving homes that will support their learning.
For further information visit www.achildshope.ab.ca or contact:
Adam Holm
Senior Public Affairs Officer
Edmonton and Area Child and Family Services
Cheryl Oxford
Managing Director, Communications
Edmonton Public Schools