Media Releases

Friday, September 17, 2010

School Review Process seeks Community Input

Next round of sector review consultations set to begin

Edmonton... Edmonton Public Schools is inviting community members to take part in the next round of community consultations for the sector review process. This process includes a commitment to understand and consider the input received from parents, community members and staff and to reflect that input in the recommendations presented to the Board of Trustees.

"The challenges the District is facing are complex, and there is a wide diversity of views and perspectives. We're committed to listening to and understanding people's views and working with them to propose solutions. We'll make sure that administration and Trustees understand what people feel is important," said Stephani Roy McCallum, Managing Director, Dialogue Partners Inc.

Dialogue Partners Inc. continues to help lead the sector review process as Edmonton Public Schools examines the Central, South Central and West 1 sectors. The attached backgrounder includes the key dates of the upcoming consultation sessions and a full listing of schools in the three sectors being reviewed.

Information on the previous round of consultation meetings that occurred from April to June 2010, complete with a summary report of input received, is available at

Media Contact:
Lorne Parker
Managing Director of Planning and Student Transportation
Phone: 780-429-8426

Stephani Roy McCallum
Managing Director, Dialogue Partners Inc.
Phone: 1-866-269-1276 ext 103
Cellular: 613-302-2235