Media Releases

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Good Things Are Happening

The Grades 1 and 2 Child Study Centre students from Garneau School are hosting a 5,000 Steps fundraiser in support of the Ryan's Well Foundation. Rachel Notley, MLA for Edmonton-Strathcona will be joining the students and staff on the walk.
When: Wednesday, June 23 at 1 p.m.
Where: Garneau School, 10925 - 87 Avenue
Why: After a visit from Ryan Hreljac (founder of Ryan's Well Foundation) this past April, students began asking questions about the information Ryan had shared - especially the fact that he learned from his Grade 1 teacher that "some people have to walk 5,000 steps to get clean water." Just like Ryan was inspired to help, so were the Grades 1 and 2 students. They began to wonder if people would be willing to donate money for them to walk 5,000 steps (while carrying a jug of water as an added challenge) to raise money for clean water projects throughout the world. The children have even designed and sold t-shirts for all of the participants to wear on the walk.
Contact: Lyndi Karbonik, Principal
Garneau School
10925 - 87 Avenue