Media Releases

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Good Things Are Happening

The morning portion of the day will consist of students making their own traditional game equipment and hearing the stories that go along with the teachings. The afternoon activities include: Learn and Play; Traditional Lacrosse; Kick Ball Game; and the Run and Scream Game. The Games will close with a special presentation and winner's circle.

Rites of Passage is a full time alternative junior high school program for Aboriginal youth and is a partnership between the Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society and Edmonton Public Schools. The program is designed to enhance educational success through academics, cultural awareness and life management skills.

Who: Attending the games will be Rites of Passage students, along with Grade 6 students from Beacon Heights School, Grade 5 and 6 students from Lauderdale School and students from the Aspen at Woodside program.
When: Wednesday, May 19 from 9:30 a.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Where: The Old Prince Rupert Building, 11515-113 Avenue (Tower Road off Kingsway)
Why: The Aboriginal Traditional Games will give the students a chance to foster a connection or re-connection to their Aboriginal culture.
Contact: Sharon Bourque, Consultant
Aboriginal Education
Edmonton Public Schools