Media Releases

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

NEWS release

On Wednesday, February 10 at 11 a.m., Edmonton Public Schools will officially launch the Edmonton Public Schools Foundation. The celebration will take place at Highlands School, 11509 - 62 Street. Board Chair Don Fleming, Vice-Chair Sue Huff and Trustees Dave Colburn, Bev Esslinger, Catherine Ripley, and George Rice will be in attendance. They will be joined by over 200 special guests, including Education Minister Dave Hancock, City Councillor Tony Caterina and Superintendent Edgar Schmidt. The Foundation's Board of Governors will be introduced and there will be performances by students from Highlands, Virginia Park and Lillian Osborne schools. The invited guests will also have an opportunity to tour Highlands School from 10:30 to 11 a.m. to see what the daily life of a school is like.

"The Foundation has great potential to tap into the hearts and minds of the wider community - encouraging them to donate their time, energy and resources towards enhancing teaching and learning," says Board Chair Don Fleming. "Inviting the greater public to discover the amazing work happening in our District is a very positive step forward."

The Foundation will be overseen by a nine member, volunteer Board of Governors including Trustee Bev Esslinger, representing the Board of Trustees, and Sandra Woitas, the Foundation's Director. Ms. Woitas has extensive experience with Edmonton Public Schools as a teacher, consultant and principal. She recently returned to the District after spending five years seconded to Alberta Education and the Alberta Mental Health Board.

"It's a welcome challenge to be the Director of the Foundation," says Sandra Woitas. "I am a true believer of public education and the important role it plays in our children's lives. I look forward to working with the Board of Governors to engage the community in our work to support students."

The Edmonton Public Schools Foundation's mandate is to complement the efforts of the Board of Trustees to broaden and deepen support for public education, its goals and its values.

Visit the Foundation’s webpage.

Further information:
Jane Sterling, Supervisor
780-429-8290/780-970-4356 (Cell)