Media Releases

Monday, January 25, 2010

Good Things Are Happening

Kildare School is celebrating being given the title of the first SMART technology Showcase School in Edmonton Public Schools. Kildare teachers and students have been working with SMART technology for the past year and a half. From Kindergarten to Grade 6, the students at this SMART Showcase School have mastered the use of the latest classroom technology products to help them better engage with curriculum.

The school is quickly becoming a leader in the District for their use of SMART technology in second languages. Kildare's Chinese bilingual students and teachers use the SMART boards and SENTEO system for learning with Chinese characters; a first for SMART! The school's forward-looking commitment to technology in both languages has increased teacher and student engagement in the classroom and demonstrates the many ways technology can raise student interest, excitement and engagement with 21st century literacies.

For further information, contact:
Heather Langenhahn, Assistant Principal
Kildare School
7525-144 Avenue