Media Releases

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


On Wednesday, October 17, the Hockey Education Reaching Out Society will launch its HEROS hockey program in Edmonton. Thirty-two boys and girls from three schools have been chosen to participate in this unique program, which combines teamwork and skating skills with learning the game of hockey. The students, from Montrose, Rundle and Abbott schools, have been chosen who might never have the opportunity to play the game of hockey due to economic challenges, The program is supported by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton and Area and Edmonton Public Schools.

The 32 students will be outfitted with new hockey equipment at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, October 17 at United Cycle, 10323 - 78 Avenue. The students will then go to the Russ Barnes Arena (formerly Santa Rosa Arena), 6725 - 121 Avenue, for their first practice at 4:45 p.m.

HEROS will be held every Wednesday from 4:45 to 5:45 p.m. at the Russ Barnes Arena, and will run weekly until mid-March 2008. While at the rink, the students will spend time with the HEROS coaches learning the basic skills of hockey and valuable life skills.

Norman Flynn began the HEROS program in 2000. He is an ex-WHL player who is committed to using hockey as a means to instill positive values and self-esteem in elementary school aged children who come from economically challenged backgrounds. Over the past seven years, the HEROS program has worked with over 600 children throughout Canada.

In August of 2008, the HEROS program will be launched in Belfast, Ireland, uniting Protestant and Catholic children in a cross border project.

For further information or media inquiries, please contact:

Norman Flynn

Liz O'Neill
Executive Director
Big Brothers Big Sisters of
Edmonton & Area
780-424-8181 ext. 226

Margaretha Ebbers
Consultant - Programs
Edmonton Public Schools