Media Releases

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Good Things Are Happening

On Friday, September 28 at 2:30 p.m., Windsor Park School will officially open its Naturescape. On hand for the ribbon cutting ceremony will be the official Opposition Leader, MLA Kevin Taft, and City Councillor Jane Batty.

The Naturescape area, located in front of the school, consists of gardens featuring indigenous plants, shrubs and trees; an amphitheatre area with rock seating; and raised planters. Students using the space will have hands-on lessons on everything from botany to mathematics.

The Naturescape has taken four years to complete. Its construction has been made possible by the hard work of the school's parent council, along with grants and donations from Environment Canada EcoAction, Toyota Evergreen, the Windsor Park Community League and many private donors from the school community.

It is hoped the Naturescape will become a living legacy as it is visited by students, staff and members of the community who have worked together to create a space to meet, learn and appreciate the beauty that grows naturally in the Edmonton area.

For further information, contact:
Joanne Bergos
Windsor Park School
8720 - 118 Street
(780) 433-3924