Media Releases

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Wake-a-thon at Avalon School to fulfill Lonnie's wish

Lonnie, a 13-year-old Grade 8 student at Avalon School, passed away in late October. He was diagnosed in July with adult lung cancer and despite of lengthy chemo and radiation treatments the cancer spread rapidly. Only eight children in North America have been identified as having this type of cancer.

Before he passed away, Lonnie told friends to remember him by raising money for the Teen and Family Care Centre at the Stollery Children's Hospital. To fulfill his request, Avalon School will be having the Wake-a-Thon on Friday, December 1. Their goal is to raise $100,000 for the Centre. Lonnie's former classmates will sacrifice their sleep to raise this money through pledges and corporate donations.

The Edmonton Kinsmen Club has started the ball rolling by donating DVD players, CD players and DVDs for the Teen Centre. One of Lonnie's best friends has decided to give up a year of hockey and donate the $500 registration fee to the cause.

This spirit exemplifies the type of youth Lonnie was. According to those who knew him, Lonnie was "very kind and considerate," "he enjoyed a good time," "there was never anything bad you could say about him, never," and "he was just good."

These students are looking for profile and pledge support for their Wake-a-Thon on December 1. Donations can be dropped off at or mailed to the school or any branch of Scotiabank. Donations over $25 receive a tax receipt.

For further information, contact:
Bill Bagshaw, Teacher
Avalon Junior High School
5425 - 114 Street
Edmonton, AB
T6H 3M1

(780) 434-8402