Board Meeting

Organizational Board Meeting
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
7:30 p.m.
McCauley Chambers
Centre for Education


Disposition of items from the October 30, 2007 Organizational Board Meeting (including listing of Committees of the Board and Representatives on Committees for 2007-2008).

  1. O Canada

  2. Call to Order by the Incumbent Board Chair

  3. Reading of the Declaration of Election Results

    1. Declaration of Election Results

  4. Receipt of Oaths of Office

  5. Report from the Superintendent of Schools:

    1. Confirmation of Committees, Board Representation and Regular Meetings

  6. Comments from the Public and Staff Group Representatives

  7. Trustee and Board Requests for Information

  8. Notices of Motion

  9. Meeting Dates

  10. Adjournment

    Next Board Meeting:
    Tuesday, November 13, 2007 at 6:00 p.m.
    For further information, contact Manon Fraser @ 429-8021.