Board Meeting
Board Meeting #2
Tuesday, November 9, 1999
McCauley Chambers
Centre for Education
6:00 p.m.
- O Canada
- L'Academie Vimy Ridge Academy
- Roll Call
Remembrance Day Ceremony - L'Academie Vimy Ridge Academy
- Communications from the Board Chairman
- Communications from the Superintendent of
- Minutes:
- Board Meeting #18 - October 12, 1999
(Approved as printed)
- Organizational Board Meeting - October 26, 1999
(Approved as printed)
- Reports:
- Report #1 of the Conference Committee (From the Meeting Held November 2, 1999)
(Approved Recommendations)
- Curriculum Additions and Deletions
(Approved Recommendation)
- Results Review - Superintendent's Area
(Received for information)
- Early School Leavers Annual Report: 1998 - 1999
(Approved Recommendation)
- Responses to Trustee Requests for Information
(Approved Recommendation)
- *Delegation - Edmonton Chapter of the Alberta Federation of Women United for Families(The delegation was advised that the board supported the actions that have been taken by the district with respect to the National Election for the Rights of Youth and would not consider a motion to prohibit schools from participating in the election. The following is an excerpt from the information that was provided to school principals: Schools proceeding with this project should be cognizant of the voluntary nature of this vote. In addition, those schools participating should inform parents in order that opportunity is given to voice any objection to their child's involvement. Teachers are also asked to ensure that the project is clearly aligned with their respective curriculum.)
- Committee and Board Representative Reports
- Community Relations Activities
- Comments from the Public and Staff Group Representatives
- Trustee and Board Requests for Information
- Notices of Motion
- Meeting Dates
- Adjournment - 7:30 p.m.
Next Board Meeting:
Tuesday, November 30, 1999 at 6:00 p.m.
For further information, contact Manon Fraser @ 429-8021.