Board Meeting
Board Meeting #14
Tuesday, May 23, 2000
McCauley Chambers
Centre for Education
6:00 p.m.
Check here to find out the disposition of the items from the May 23, 2000 board meeting.
- O Canada - District Video
- Roll Call
- Communications from the Board Chairman
- Communications from the Superintendent of
- Minutes:
- Board Meeting #13 - May 9, 2000
- Focus on Student Achievement:
- Capilano School: Student Achievement in the ALPHA (Dependent Handicapped) Program
- Recognition:
- Margaret T. Stevenson Talented Young Writer Award Recipient: Kathryn Lennon
- Reports:
- Report #16 of the Conference Committee (From the Meeting Held May 9, 2000)
- Motion Regarding Transportation Policy
- Millwoods Christian School Alternative Program
- Curriculum Additions and Deletions - German Language Arts
- Curriculum Additions and Deletions - Spanish Language and Culture
- Curriculum Additions and Deletions - Locally Developed Courses, Senior High
- Curriculum Additions and Deletions - Locally Developed Courses, Junior High
- Response to "A Vision and Agenda for Public Education"
- Edmonton Public Schools' Three-Year Education Plan 2000-2003
- School Year Calendar 2004-2005
- General Banking and Borrowing Resolutions
- Leadership in Languages: Leadership Development Project
- District Brochure and Booklet re: Discrimination and Harassment
- Prior Level of Achievement Test Results
- Responses to Trustee Requests for Information
- Bereavements
- Committee and Board Representative Reports
- Community Relations Activities
- Comments from the Public and Staff Group Representatives
- Trustee and Board Requests for Information
- Notices of Motion
- Meeting Dates
- Adjournment
Next Board Meeting:
Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 6:00 p.m.
For further information, contact Manon Fraser @ 429-8021.