Board Meeting
Board Meeting #15
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
6:00 p.m.
McCauley Chambers
Centre for Education
One Kingsway
Disposition of the items from the June 10, 2008 Board Meeting.
- Roll Call
- Recognition of National Aboriginal Day
- Communications from the Board Chair
- Communications from the Superintendent of Schools
- Minutes:
- Board Meeting #14 - May 27, 2008
- Recognition:
- An Act to Follow Staff Recognition Program
- Reports from the Superintendent of Schools:
- Inclusion of Students with Special Education Needs
- Edmonton Public Schools' Three-Year Education Plan 2008-2011
- Plan for Comprehensive School Health Symposium
- Curriculum Addition and Deletions, Locally Developed Courses
- District Ten-Year Facilities Plan: 2009-2018
- District Three-Year Capital Plan 2009-2012
- Draft Annual Implementation Plan: 2008-2009
- Leasing Summary for 2007-2008
- 2008-2009 Major Maintenance Plan
- Response to Trustee Request for Information
- Bereavement
- Committee, Board Representative and Trustee Reports
- Report #13 of the Conference Committee (From the Meeting Held May 27, 2008)
- Motion re Uncommitted Operating Surplus or Capital Reserves
(Deferred from April 29, 2008 Board Meeting.)
- Delegation of Authority - 2008 Summer Recess
- Other Trustee Reports
- Comments from the Public and Staff Group Representatives
- Trustee and Board Requests for Information
- Notices of Motion
- Meeting Dates
- Adjournment
Next Board Meeting:
Organizational Board Meeting - Tuesday, September 9, 2008 at 7:30 p.m.
McCauley Chambers, Centre for Education, One Kingsway
For further information, contact Manon Fraser @ 429-8021.