Media Releases

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

School Snow Windrows and Safety

With narrowed streets and poor visibility due to snow accumulation, please be vigilant when you are driving and parking around schools.

Dropping Off or Picking Up Children

  • Drive slowly and cautiously to ensure the safety of all children. Be prepared to stop for pedestrians or other motorists even during icy road conditions.
  • Do not park in designated bus or no-parking areas. Do not block or obscure pedestrian crosswalks, school patrollers, corner intersections, or any points of entry or exit to the school. Park to allow for a clear view around any obstacles including snow drifts.
  • Look out for children who may be playing on snow piles next to roadways as they could slip and fall into traffic.
  • Be careful when crossing the roads or climbing over snow windrows.
  • Educate your children to play in safe areas and not around school parking lots or roadways.

City of Edmonton Snow Removal Update

  • Roadway Maintenance crews are working to remove snow windrows from school loading zones.
  • Windrows are also being removed from street corners, senior centres, driveways, and bus routes. Windrows are not being removed from residential roads.
  • For more information about the City's snow removal activities visit or call 311.