Media Releases

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

2009 PRIME MINISTER'S AWARDS FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE: Five district teachers have received 2009 Prime Minister's Awards for Teaching Excellence Certificates of Achievement.

The Awards, offered at the Certificate of Excellence (national) and Certificate of Achievement (regional) levels, carry cash prizes which are issued to the recipients' schools to be spent at each school's discretion. Certificates of Excellence are awarded to the 15 top-ranked nominees, with the next 50 top-ranked nominees each receiving a Certificate of Achievement.

The Certificates of Achievement award recipients are:

  • Kym Francis, Scott Markine and Kristi Spect - Hardisty School, Grades 7 to 9. This teaching team was recognized for encouraging students to use technology to enhance their learning and to demonstrate their understanding of concepts and subject matter.

  • James Kelso and Marilyn McKnight - Argyll Home Education Centre, Grade 7. This teaching duo works with students and families to chart a course for learning, helping them choose the optimal location, direction and environment for their education.