Media Releases

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


As we near the end of summer holidays, the Board of Trustees and the Superintendent hope all Edmontonians are enjoying a relaxing break. Despite the break, the H1N1 Influenza A virus has not slowed and continues to spread worldwide, especially in the southern hemisphere. Leading health experts, including the Province's chief medical officer of health, Dr. Andre Corriveau, agree that the number of people who contract the H1N1 virus could increase as people end their summer holidays and return to school and work.

Edmonton Public Schools has been preparing for this situation. Our Pandemic Planning Team, which is responsible for co-ordinating the Edmonton Public Schools' response to the virus since its emergence in late April, has continued its work. The team has been meeting to monitor and collect data on the spread of the disease, which has allowed us to strengthen the hygiene and infection control measures implemented during the past school year.

Edmonton Public Schools' Pandemic Response Plan is evolving as new requirements and information become available regarding effective pandemic planning. To strengthen our plan, we have worked closely with provincial health authorities to develop additional strategies that will lessen both learning and operational impacts; they include the following:

  • Schools have posted signs asking staff and students to remain at home for seven days if they have flu like symptoms. Click here for more information.
  • Pandemic kits have been distributed to schools and departments to assist with sick students and staff.
  • All workplaces are reviewing proper handwashing and infection control practices.
  • The District has identified critical staff and processes to support all schools and departments.
  • Communication links have been established with Alberta Education, Alberta Health Services and the City of Edmonton.
  • Daily student and staff absence tracking has been implemented to monitor influenza trends.
  • The District is encouraging all staff and parents to develop family pandemic plans. For more information click here.
  • Edmonton Public Schools will continue to share our pandemic planning information with other school districts throughout the Province.

The Edmonton Public Schools' response plan is a shared plan and you and your family play a central role in its success. We hope you remember to practice the important health promotion and infection mitigation strategies our schools shared with students and staff this past year, such as proper hand hygiene and cough and sneeze suppression techniques. For more information please click here. We also ask that as a family, you begin to consider contingency plans in case your child(ren) become ill and cannot attend school.

Edmonton Public Schools will continue to liaise with our municipal and provincial health counterparts to ensure our response plan aligns with the City's and Province's action plans. We will also continue to provide important school and health information to all staff and parents so you are aware of the simple steps that can be taken to mitigate the spread of the H1N1 virus. Please check back here regularly for updates throughout the year.

For further information, you can also consult the following links: