Media Releases

Monday, September 11, 2006

WHAT: Norwood School students visit the University of Alberta

WHO: Eight Grade 5/6 students from Norwood School will accompany their principal on a unique field trip to the U. of A. The students will take the LRT to the university where they will meet the Chancellor and members of the Senate. Their tour also includes a visit to the Agriculture, Forestry greenhouse, the Lemieux Chemistry Centre and the Van Cliet Centre climbing wall.

WHEN: Tuesday, September 12, 2006
The students will arrive at the university at 12:45 p.m.

1 p.m. Tour of Agriculture, Forestry Greenhouse
2 p.m. Tour and experiment at the Lemieux Chemistry Centre
3 p.m. Demonstration and participation at the Van Cliet Centre Climbing Centre
4 p.m. Tour of Lister Hall and Pizza Party

WHY: Completing high school is a priority of Edmonton Public Schools. By visiting the University of Alberta, these students can experience what the university has to offer and make it a goal for their future.

For further information, contact:
Dr. Heather Raymond, Principal
Norwood School
9520 - 111 Avenue
(780) 477-1002