Board Meeting

Board Meeting #15
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
6:00 p.m.
McCauley Chambers
Centre for Education
One Kingsway


Disposition of the items from the June 10, 2008 Board Meeting.

  1. Roll Call

  2. Recognition of National Aboriginal Day

  3. Communications from the Board Chair

  4. Communications from the Superintendent of Schools

  5. Minutes:

    1. Board Meeting #14 - May 27, 2008

  6. Recognition:

    1. An Act to Follow Staff Recognition Program

  7. Reports from the Superintendent of Schools:

    1. Inclusion of Students with Special Education Needs

    2. Edmonton Public Schools' Three-Year Education Plan 2008-2011

    3. Plan for Comprehensive School Health Symposium

    4. Curriculum Addition and Deletions, Locally Developed Courses

    5. District Ten-Year Facilities Plan: 2009-2018

    6. District Three-Year Capital Plan 2009-2012

    7. Draft Annual Implementation Plan: 2008-2009

    8. Leasing Summary for 2007-2008

    9. 2008-2009 Major Maintenance Plan

    10. Response to Trustee Request for Information

    11. Bereavement

  8. Committee, Board Representative and Trustee Reports

    1. Report #13 of the Conference Committee (From the Meeting Held May 27, 2008)

    2. Motion re Uncommitted Operating Surplus or Capital Reserves
      (Deferred from April 29, 2008 Board Meeting.)

    3. Delegation of Authority - 2008 Summer Recess

  9. Other Trustee Reports

  10. Comments from the Public and Staff Group Representatives

  11. Trustee and Board Requests for Information

  12. Notices of Motion

  13. Meeting Dates

  14. Adjournment

Next Board Meeting:
Organizational Board Meeting - Tuesday, September 9, 2008 at 7:30 p.m.
McCauley Chambers, Centre for Education, One Kingsway
For further information, contact Manon Fraser @ 429-8021.